Sunday, August 3, 2014

Story time

What a good big sister! Dyl loves to read to Blake - here she's reading him a story in his crib before bed. :) (And they're holding hands!)

Blake says "This is FUN, Momma! I love Dylly!" 

The beautiful quilt that hangs above Blake's bed! A gift to Blake from my Grandma (Mimi), and made by Blake's Great Great Aunt Jean! 

One sad update: Fishy Fishy died on Friday. He started acting pretty strange on Thursday, and by Friday evening he was toast. :( It took Dyl until today to notice, but she took it pretty well. She was mostly fascinated by the fact that we said when he died, we flushed him down the toilet. She likes to talk about that a lot, and then she says "I still have Sock Hop." So good for her for being a glass half full kind of girl! We'll give Sock Hop a couple of weeks to make sure he doesn't perish of whatever Fishy Fishy had, and then we'll get him a new friend. 

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