Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Happy birthday, Poppy/Papa!!

Happy birthday to the universe's best Poppy & Papa!! We love you bunches & bunches!!

Dylan wanted to blow out candles with Papa, so we lit them a second time and let her help. Taking pictures with kids is always a bit of a challenge... 

Blake's turn! Take #1. In a classic Blake move, he smiles and then ducks his head to the side. Our shy boy! ;)

Take #2: Blake loves his Papa!

Success! Papa and his grandkids! Soon there will be 3 sharing that lap - hurry up and arrive, Miss Sloane! We thought she might be coming today as a birthday present for Papa, but it turned out she was just faking us out. Sneaky baby! Jesse told Kelly he doesn't think she's really committed to having this baby! ;)

This makes my heart happy.

And so does this! I'm bummed the lighting is so terrible - these would've been so cute! Grandma was holding Blake, and Dylan comes over with a book and says "Scoot over! I want a side!" LOL At least she's learned from Daniel Tiger to talk about it when she's jealous!

These two sure love their Grandma to bits too!

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