Wednesday, June 25, 2014

'Logan Beach'

Papa, Dylan, Blake, & I went to the beach at Lake Logan today ('Logan Beach' as Dyl calls it.) We had a great time and made a few new friends - Anna (4) & Evan (3) - who were super cute. Papa got out the paddle board, which definitely makes him the pied piper of beach kiddos!

Blake snoozing in his car seat while Dylly & Papa were playing in the water.

I wore him into the lake in a mesh Bjorn and it worked fabulously! He is secure in his manhood and proudly wore an Ariel swim diaper to the beach! ;) 

Dyl just really does not love to have her picture taken! But here she's mostly fascinated by someone's beach umbrella and too busy to look at the camera. 

All 3 of us were rather fussy today and nobody's slept particularly well. Thank heavens Papa made us go to the beach! We had fun there, and D & B were the best behaved they've been all day. 

Sadly it didn't last and Dyl sobbed for a good 30 minutes before bed after acquiring an ouchie, and B is refusing to go to bed after not sleeping well for the past 2 days. And of course, Chad is away tonight and tomorrow for work. Hopefully tomorrow we all wake up on a better side of the bed (and sometime around noon!) ;)

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