Monday, June 30, 2014

We love summer

The cutest little pie-crust-roller in the world, if I do say so myself! ;)

And look who's wearing big girl pants! 2 days in a row now without any accidents, though she does still wear a pull-up for nap & bedtime. Go Dyl!!

The finished product - one of the few Blake approved desserts - blueberry pie! Yum, yum, yum! 

Oh, we've had a marvelously fun day today! The kids have both been good, we made a blueberry pie this morning, and while our pie was baking we took a walk to the post office to ship a couple of packages. We had a tasty lunch, lovely long naps, and blueberry pie for after nap snacks. Then Dylan declared that she wanted to 'Do something fun!' Blake woke up from his nap early enough that we decided today was the day to go to the lodge and go swimming. 

We snagged Grandma via drive by on our way to the pool, and convinced her to come along and hang out with Blake while Dyl & I went swimming. Blake was a good boy for Grandma and took a long, snuggly nap in her arms while they sat on a cushy chair in an air conditioned room with a great view of the pool! Dyl and I had a wonderful time swimming - it takes her awhile to warm up & be brave in the water, but she got there. During rest break she ate an enormous slice of pizza, wrapped in a big hooded towel, and looked as happy as a clam. We had so much fun! 

After swimming, Dyl, Blake, Grandma, & I ate at the lodge restaurant. Oh. My. Goodness. It was soooooo good, and so accommodating to my insane food allergies! I had an incredible steak, roasted potatoes, peas, salad, and the best bread I've ever had in my life, all allergen free and mostly all made specially just for me! The owner/chef is amazing and everything is made from scratch, so he truly knew his ingredients, etc. He's actually ordering some pure canola oil for when I go back - and said they can probably make anything I can dream up! I'm so full, I think I might colic! ;) 

Towards the end of dinner, Dylan told Grandma she wanted to sleep at Grandma's house tonight, and of course Grandma couldn't resist that! So I dropped those two off at Grandma's house on my way home, and they were headed for bath time & some Croods watching before bed. Dylan also adorably asked 'Grandma, you want sleep my room with me??' And of course, Grandma said yes. :) Papa was excited to have a house guest too when I dropped them off! B & I trundled on home, and we've both had baths and are getting ready for bed as I type. I wish every day could be as lovely as today was! (Though preferably with Chadmo & Papa along!) Sweet dreams, world. <3

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Bedtime with my babies

Won't you be my hugaroo? I've lots of hugs to share with you!

Random pictures I've forgotten to post

Dylan trying out the blanket I crocheted for Baby Sloane. We can officially say it's 'kid tested, mother approved!' ;) (My sister, Kelly, is due August 25th with her first. A baby girl, Sloane!)

It appears to be making Dylly sleepy - let's hope it works that way for Sloane too, when she arrives. :)

"Hello, Giraffe." Blake with one of his favorite toys. 

Daddies are SO much fun!


Blakers Cakers, taking to Aunt Kelly & Mimi!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Is it really almost July?!?

Playing with her new Princess Sofia busy book that Grandma brought her back from D.C. - it's been a huge success!! Thank you, Grandma! 

My smiley boy! 

In time out - it's hard to be 2.5 years old. But really, she's my good girl. Poor cricket. 

All smiles again - and he loves his giraffe!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Life is Good

Everybody woke up much happier today and we had a much more fun day as a result! Fingers crossed we can do it again tomorrow! :)

"I still don't understand the point of this 'tummy time' business, Mom. But I'll lie here if you want me to."

Dr. Princess Dylan

Lunch - yum! 

Dyl playing in our new sprinkler! She loved it!

Today my 2-children dream came to life: I nursed Blake in the shade while Dyl played in water in the yard, and then the 3 of us just chatted and had fun while she ran around! Life is good. <3 I'm so grateful to be blessed with this life. 

Happy girl! 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

'Logan Beach'

Papa, Dylan, Blake, & I went to the beach at Lake Logan today ('Logan Beach' as Dyl calls it.) We had a great time and made a few new friends - Anna (4) & Evan (3) - who were super cute. Papa got out the paddle board, which definitely makes him the pied piper of beach kiddos!

Blake snoozing in his car seat while Dylly & Papa were playing in the water.

I wore him into the lake in a mesh Bjorn and it worked fabulously! He is secure in his manhood and proudly wore an Ariel swim diaper to the beach! ;) 

Dyl just really does not love to have her picture taken! But here she's mostly fascinated by someone's beach umbrella and too busy to look at the camera. 

All 3 of us were rather fussy today and nobody's slept particularly well. Thank heavens Papa made us go to the beach! We had fun there, and D & B were the best behaved they've been all day. 

Sadly it didn't last and Dyl sobbed for a good 30 minutes before bed after acquiring an ouchie, and B is refusing to go to bed after not sleeping well for the past 2 days. And of course, Chad is away tonight and tomorrow for work. Hopefully tomorrow we all wake up on a better side of the bed (and sometime around noon!) ;)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Fishy Fishy

Dylan made her first ever purchase with her own money (30 cents) today - a goldfish. She declared his name to be 'Fishy Fishy' and he's looking quite cute on our kitchen counter. Fingers crossed he lives! He wouldn't eat for us tonight (which resulted in a very disappointed little girl), but he's had a big day. Hopefully he'll perk up tomorrow!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Sunday & Monday

Walking home from Pizza Crossing last night - photography courtesy of Aunt Kelly. :) (Blake was asleep in his stroller!)

Our project today: oatmeal chocolate chip cookies made with duck eggs instead of chicken eggs, lard instead of shortening, and Enjoy Life! allergen free chocolate chips. Delicious! Take that, food allergies!! 

We went for our favorite sort of walk this evening - one where we stumble across the Perrys outside at their house & stop & play for a bit! Dyl loves Brooke & Drew!

Blake's first ever bath in our favorite whale bathtub! He loved it - and he was so busy checking out his feet that he wouldn't look at the camera!

That is one cute, freshly scrubbed baby!

*Nom, Nom!* Eating his hand (covered in towels, swaddles, or just plain) is Blake's favorite thing these days. <3

Blake has slept through the night (~10:45-9:30) the last two nights. It's been heavenly. Fingers crossed he decides to make it a regular thing!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

A mid-week adventure!

Blake and I just arrived home this early evening after a fun 2-night trip to visit Mimi in Wooster! We had a wonderful time just hanging out with Mimi, baking, watching old movies & HGTV, and trying to teach Mimi how to use the internet/iPad! Blake is very much on a Mimi friendly schedule, and it was great to get to stay up late & sleep in with her like old times! :)

While B & I were gone, Dyl stayed with Grandma & Papa and was spoiled terribly! ;) (Chadmo had a mini-vacation in having the house to himself for 2 evenings!) They had SO many fun adventures: swimming in Lake Logan, planting sweet potatoes, playing on Grandma & Papa's boat (in the garage, lol), catching fireflies, eating pizza, and staying up late - to name a few! Grandparents are the best (and so is summer!) Thank you so much for taking great care of our Dylly-pot-pie while I was at Mimi's, Mom & Poppy! It's great to be home with my little girl again!!

I don't have any pictures from the past couple of days, but here are a few random ones from before we went. 

Tummy time chat with a polar bear.

Me & My Girl.

Fresh out of the bath!

Well if Brother gets his bath in the sinks, then she wants to take one there too! 

So grown up in a collared shirt.

Her very own fashion design.

She clearly has her mother's fashion sense.

A special picnic-in-the-living-room lunch before B & I headed to Woo. :)

Thanks for having us, Mimi! We had a wonderful time!!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Turtle adventures

Surrounded by pink - the life of a little brother!

We found a box turtle while driving out to Grandma & Papa's!

"Feed it! Eat grass, turtle!"

We told her if she left it alone for a little while it might come out of its' shell and walk around. She lasted about 30 seconds! ;)