Monday, September 15, 2014


Sunday morning snuggles. (Dylan stayed the night at Grandma & Papa's.) 

Modeling the slippers she got from Mimi last Christmas. She said "They're like Olaf!" (Olaf is the snowman from Frozen.)

Grandma & I encountered a 'baby deer' on our walk up to the water tower behind the middle school tonight!

Here I always thought she was a goose, turns out she's a fawn! 

Blake snoozed and missed the fawn sighting. ;) He is a snuggly lump.

That fisher price contraption is magic for babies - Blake LOVES it!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Fun at the Hocking County Fair!

We went to the fair 4 days this week (and twice on Tuesday!) We had a great time, and Dyl's going to be seriously bummed out when she realizes we don't get to go ride rides and see animals every evening when Daddy gets home from work! She was so cute on the rides, and she looked so grown up.

My boys. <3 Blake took his evening nap at the fair every time we were there. He's a trooper.

My new favorite picture of Dyl. :)

Having SO much fun! 

She was very particular about which car she wanted to ride in. And since this was Monday night, she usually had the rides to herself! That was great.

Blake's first trip on a Merry-go-round or any ride for that matter! Next year we'll put him on a horse. ;)

Chadmo is very talented and fanagled both kids into position so I could take the picture. :)

Dyl loved watching this cow groom her calf.

Dyl also thought our matching hand stamps were awesome. It's so cute to see what a nearly 3 year old finds exciting!

The market lamb I fell in love with and tried to convince Chad we should buy. 

Haley's 5th birthday fell during fair week. How much fun would that have been if she had lived?!? A giant party & rides, just for her! 

Really I think her birthday felt extra hard this year. Maybe because I didn't get to mourn her in Februrary since that is now Blake's birthday. Or maybe just all the thoughts of how we should have a 5 year old, almost 3 year old, and 6 month old running around. Always so much lost potential, and so many what ifs.

Haley at 5 months.

Dylan at 5.5 months.

Blake at 5.5 months.

Blake all dressed up for the fair! My new favorite picture of him!

More rides! She loves to steer. ;)

Waiting in line together. <3 I love her to bits.

Such a big girl! Potty trained these days too!

There are no words for how much I love Dylan & Blake.

Snuggle buddies.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Fun at the Wayne County Fair

Checking out the dairy cows with Grandma & Papa.

"Hmm, this looks like a nice cow..."

"Maybe I'll pet her."

"Ahh! That's one long tongue!!"

Her first ride of the night - the dragon roller coaster! She's been talking about this one since the washboard festival. She looks serious here (waiting for it to start), but after one lap around she was all smiles!

On the race cars, and my cousin Jenny's little boy Liam is on the motorcycle (the outer one) behind her. :)


Getting ready to fly in a helicopter - Liam was in there with her but you can't see him. They were so brave!

Liam & Dyl on the bug ride - they were so cute together! They're just 2.5 months apart in age. 

Dylan's first ever trip on the Ferris Wheel! We had SO much fun. 

The cutest fair ride companion I've ever had. ;) She kept saying "Look at me, Daddy! Look at me, duckies! (There was a rubber duck game below us, ha!) Look at me, guys! (Guys = Grandma, Papa, & Mimi!)

Pretending we're that cow from earlier, or auditioning for KISS??

Riding the horses. <3

 We love the Wayne County Fair! We all had a great weekend, I just wish it could've lasted longer!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Toad said "Croak!"

Another fun evening at Grandma & Papa's! A long walk, a delicious pot roast dinner, ice cream, baths, playing outside in the dark, and best of all: a toad!

Hmm, should she kiss him?? Probably not. ;)

He made adorable chirping noises and blinked when we'd pet the top of his head! So cute!

Our happy boy! He thought Grandma was pretty funny! :)

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Weekend fun

Dylly was so excited to have a date night & slumber party with Grandma and Papa last night that she wanted to be extra fancy! So we got all scrubbed up, put her hair in French braid pigtails for the first time, and she said she wanted to wear a dress and shorts. ;) They went to Pizza Crossing and Dairy Queen, played I Spy, and read books. This morning they had egg & bagel sandwiches on the porch and watched the rain. After breakfast, Dylly said she wanted to go for a walk in the rain in the woods. Her wish is Grandma & Papa's command, and it sounds like they had a wonderful adventure! She is a lucky little girl to have grandparents who spoil her so thoroughly!! :)

Chad & Blake observing the girly-ness. ;)

Reading some books while we wait on a Grandma & Papa to arrive.

On a side note: week before last, we got two new fish. One is a plecostomus, Dylan named him Hula Hoop. :) Now, fish are hard to photography, but plecostomus are REALLY hard to photograph! He spends most of his time hiding behind the filter, and this is the only picture I've managed to snap of him on one of his brief forays into the public eye.

Sock Hop & his new best friend, Fishy Fishy II! (Sorry I'm such a terrible fish photographer.)
Last night, Chad, Blake, & I had a lovely evening of making pancakes and bacon for dinner and FaceTiming with Kelly, Jesse, & Sloane. (Sloane is SO cute!) 

After Blake went to bed, Chad and I watched World War Z. Then we had a glorious night of Blake sleeping through the night and sleeping in until 9:30 am! Wow! This morning we've been making zucchini bread, biscuits, and next up is oatmeal cookies. After nap time, that is!