Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Look at my big girl, standing up in her exersaucer! She's been able to do that for a little while, but this lovely weather has resulted in bare feet that are much better for traction and allow her to stand up way longer than she could before.

I can't believe how big you're getting, Dylan! Don't grow up too fast!

"Hey now, I hear that camera clicking away behind my head.... Who's spying on me??"

"Mommy! You're always spying on me - you're worse than the paparazzi!"

"But I love you anyways! (And I know you love me, because you tell me so all the time.)"

Dylan really loves her exersaucer (at least in short, frequent bouts) - we call in the ADD-maker. Ha.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness she is just way to cute! Your posts make my day. Hugs


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