Sunday, March 4, 2012

Snuffly Sunday

Miss Dylan, fresh out of the tub and telling us all about her splishy-splashy adventures (in a sad, yet adorable, congested voice.)

Unfortunately none of our colds seem much improved today - Dyl is more congested, Chadmo's nose is running like a faucet, and I've had a horrible headache/sinus pressure all day (though oddly my congestion seems better?) Fortunately Dyl has been in a fabulous mood all weekend, despite her cold. She's been napping better (though mostly in our arms) - and better naps do tend to make for a happier baby!

Grandma was sweet enough to come over and play with Dylan for a couple of hours while Chad and I lazed about on the couch and watched the movie "Contagion". (Possibly not the best choice of movies when we all have colds.) I think this was the first time we successfully watched an entire movie since Dylan was born! Thank you Grandma/Mom! :) It was lovely!


  1. I hope y'all get to feeling better real soon. Even though we've had a mild winter... I'M READY FOR SPRING - and I'm ready for all the germs to go away! Far away.

    I love ya! Squeeze Dyl for me :)

    - Kate

  2. You are quite welcome. Dylan and I had a great time together. Lots of wonderful baby smiles today!


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