Saturday, November 12, 2011

Weekend at Grandma & Grandpoppy's

Here's a sleepy Dylan, just getting back from a 4 mile walk with Grandma & Grandpoppy while Mommy & Daddy caught up on some sleep! (Yay for 2.5 hour naps - thank you Mom & Dad!)

A sleeping smile, caught on camera by Grandma!

Dylan looking at Grandma out of the corner of her eye & saying "Hey now, enough with the paparazzi, Grandma!"

Dylan's first time sitting in the Bumbo chair (with me supporting her head of course, and helping her keep her binky in.) She was a little crabby when we decided to try it, so she wasn't much of a fan. But I think she'll like it soon - especially once she can hold her head up on her own for longer.

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