Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Mitchell Sibling Weekend

We had a wonderful weekend this weekend with Auntie Melissa, Uncle John, & Uncle Adrian all here visiting us & meeting Miss Dylan! We took a couple of very nice walks to soak up the lovely fall weather, had lots of quality baby snuggling time, and ate lots of pro-heart-attack type foods (while trying to stay Dairy-free.) We only wish they could've stayed longer! Here are some fun pictures from their visit.

Dylan 'nuggling with Auntie Melissa - the queen of putting babies to sleep!

Everyone was fighting over who got to hold Dylan, especially when she was sleeping. ;)

Uncle Adrian being a bad influence, we better keep a close eye on him...

Ry-Ry's Daddy, oh, I mean Uncle Adrian, imitating Dylan's grump face. ;)

Chadmo, myself, Uncle Adrian, Dylly-Roo, & Uncle John around the dinner table Saturday night.

He says he's given up trying to win Cousin Kylee over, and is moving on to getting Dylan on his team. She did like his bounce!

The Mitchell siblings with Dylan-Roo.

Daddy says, "Hey - give me my baby back! Dylan hog!" ;)

It was a fun weekend, and Chadmo was the proud papa as always and so happy to get to show his little girl off (me too of course!)

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