Tuesday, November 22, 2011

8 weeks old!

Can you believe I'm 8 weeks old already?!?! Mommy sure can't! I'm getting smilier, stronger, and more alert every day. And my eyes are getting bluer and bluer, which makes Mommy a little ridiculously excited (though she reassures me my eyes will be beautiful no matter what color they end up being.) If you haven't been to see me in awhile, you should come visit before I'm so big you don't recognize me!

We hope you all have a very happy Thanksgiving, filled with family, friends, & tasty food!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Weekend at Grandma & Grandpoppy's

Here's a sleepy Dylan, just getting back from a 4 mile walk with Grandma & Grandpoppy while Mommy & Daddy caught up on some sleep! (Yay for 2.5 hour naps - thank you Mom & Dad!)

A sleeping smile, caught on camera by Grandma!

Dylan looking at Grandma out of the corner of her eye & saying "Hey now, enough with the paparazzi, Grandma!"

Dylan's first time sitting in the Bumbo chair (with me supporting her head of course, and helping her keep her binky in.) She was a little crabby when we decided to try it, so she wasn't much of a fan. But I think she'll like it soon - especially once she can hold her head up on her own for longer.

Bath Time!

We are staying the night at Grandma & Grandpoppy's tonight, and Grandma was trying out the new SLR camera that she just got for her birthday during Dylan's bath time. It is quite the fancy new toy with lots of cool features, and we're hoping Santa Claus might bring one our way this Christmas... ;)

A little blurry, but that's nearly a smile caught on camera! It's so much nicer now that Dylly loves bath time!

"Hey! Who's drizzling water on my leg?!?"

Better watch out Dylly, that crab is coming to get you and give you necky-smooches!

Oh no, Dylly has crabs! ;) (Haha, I'm terrible, I know.)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Snuggliest Baby Ever :)

Truth be told, I'm faking sleep in this picture. But Miss Roo certainly is not! If only I wasn't too paranoid to sleep this way (rolling over & throwing her off, smothering her in the couch, SIDs, etc), I'm sure that Dylan would happily sleep 8 hours at night in this position! It truly is the most wonderful way to snuggle, and on the days she takes a long nap this way I'm quite happy to read a book or catch up on some TV. Isn't she sooooo sweet?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Our Binky Girl

Thank goodness for binkies! Our sweet Dylly Pot Pie sure loves this new addition to her life. She wasn't so sure about it at first, but now it's a must have!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Mitchell Sibling Weekend

We had a wonderful weekend this weekend with Auntie Melissa, Uncle John, & Uncle Adrian all here visiting us & meeting Miss Dylan! We took a couple of very nice walks to soak up the lovely fall weather, had lots of quality baby snuggling time, and ate lots of pro-heart-attack type foods (while trying to stay Dairy-free.) We only wish they could've stayed longer! Here are some fun pictures from their visit.

Dylan 'nuggling with Auntie Melissa - the queen of putting babies to sleep!

Everyone was fighting over who got to hold Dylan, especially when she was sleeping. ;)

Uncle Adrian being a bad influence, we better keep a close eye on him...

Ry-Ry's Daddy, oh, I mean Uncle Adrian, imitating Dylan's grump face. ;)

Chadmo, myself, Uncle Adrian, Dylly-Roo, & Uncle John around the dinner table Saturday night.

He says he's given up trying to win Cousin Kylee over, and is moving on to getting Dylan on his team. She did like his bounce!

The Mitchell siblings with Dylan-Roo.

Daddy says, "Hey - give me my baby back! Dylan hog!" ;)

It was a fun weekend, and Chadmo was the proud papa as always and so happy to get to show his little girl off (me too of course!)

Friday, November 4, 2011


I love this picture of Dylan more than I can describe. I love the way the sun is shining down on her. I love the way there are rainbows of light surrounding her. It's like the soft glow of Heaven radiating all around her, or perhaps it's her big sister in Heaven smiling at her. She just looks so angelic & safe - christened by the light.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Which one of these is not like the other?

Is this Haley, or is it Dylan?

How about this one - Haley or Dylan??

You tell me! :)

Last Weekend

Last weekend was quite wonderful - Grandmum Wisconsin & Bob came to meet Dylan! We had a nice, relaxing time and there were plenty of quality baby snuggles to go around. :) It's really too bad we live so far away from eachother, Dylly would love to see more of her Wisconsin family... (*hint hint* Come back again soon Grandmum & Bob!)

Dylan checking out Grandmum.

Having a chat with Bob - they must've been talking about football because that's what was on our TV all weekend! We were so sad for the Badgers (though of course Dylan and I were okay with either outcome - though we were more strongly rooting for the Badgers because we care more about Daddy than my alma matter.)

Dylan, Chadmo, & I are all hanging out right now - waiting for Aunt Melissa & Uncle John to arrive from Wisconsin! They should be here in about half an hour, and then Uncle Adrian will be joining us tomorrow too! We're looking forward to another fun filled family weekend, and we're so glad that they're all making the long trips from Wisconsin & Kansas to meet our sweet Dylly-Roo. <3