Friday, January 28, 2011

A winter walk with the dogs

One lovely, wintry, snowy day this January we had so much snow that all the schools were closed, along with many businesses (unfortunately not OU, so off to Athens trundled Chadmo who luckily has mad Wisconsin driving skillz.) On these types of days the clinic is notoriously slow - people either don't want to drag their kids along or they just don't want to venture out in the wintry weather, so we closed up shop for the day and had a snow day ourselves! The dogs & I decided this would be a fine opportunity to go for a hike in the woods behind our house, through freshly fallen snow that did not yet have a single track through it. It was beautiful and made me think of "The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe" when Lucy goes through the Wardrobe into the snow-covered land of Narnia for the first time.

My wonderful girls, Ruby & Bianca, coming around the gatepost. (Too bad it's not a lamp post, maybe we could make friends with a faun, some beavers, and a lion...) It's hard to believe that Ruby will be 8 this February and Bianca will be 6 in May.

Tucker has a bit of a hard time in the deep, unbroken snow - it likes to clump up on his fur and he turns into one giant snowball who has to be melted in warm water in the bathtub when we get home! But he's a trooper and isn't about to be left behind. Isn't he just the cutest little poodle in the whole entire world??

This is what happens when you try to get three dogs to take a group picture: they all work their hardest to not cooperate!

Are either of these paths 'less traveled'? I'm not sure, but regardless the dogs choose 'to the right!' Some days I wish I was one of my dogs... :)

Me, all bundled up for our snowy hike! Good practice in getting dressed for our Boulder ski trip!

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