Friday, January 28, 2011

A Back-log of Blogs

(I have been very remiss in my blogging recently, so to catch up I'm going to try to do a bunch of little blogs instead of one giant one.)

This past Wednesday, I returned from a ski vacation in Boulder, Colorado with Chadmo - we had a marvelous time! He is still out there with his brother, brother-in-law, and friend and they're all skiing at Winter Park (no fair!) - he'll be back on Sunday. Neither of us had ever been to Colorado before and we both LOVED it. I'd never even seen the Rockies and they are just awe inspiring, they look like something from the Lord of the Rings movies.

Our apartment in Boulder - just 2 blocks from the Pearl Street Mall! We had the top half of the house, and it was a beautiful apartment. I kept trying to convince Chad we should move there!
The view from our living room windows - incredible! :)
Eldora ski resort, about 35 minutes outside of Boulder, where Chad took ski lessons & we skied together one day (not that we skied any of those black diamonds in the picture below! ;)) Unfortunately I hurt my knee that day and Chadmo was so sore from his first 2 days of skiing ever that we ended up taking the last day off. But all in all we had a wonderful time.
Me, beside a cool teepee alongside one of the ski trails.
Chadmo at our favorite restaurant in all of Boulder - Mountain Sun Cafe - modeling the Annapurna & Blackberry Wheat beers! Mountain Sun had the best beer I've ever had in my life, I'm pretty sure I'll be dreaming about it!

Next vacation scheduled on the books: Paris in the spring time! Chad and I are heading to gay Paris in April - we are so excited! I love the idea of going somewhere Chad knows so well (after living there for a year) and having him show me around and doing more 'local' things instead of just all tourist-y things - though we'll do lots of those too.

We had not been on a vacation just the two of us since our honeymoon 4.5 years ago, so we're making up for lost time!


  1. Looks like a wonderful time! You guys are so cute. I'm a little (a lot) jealous that you're going to Paris!

    I lived at a ski resort for five years! Kevin and I met there. Also, Sophie was born at 7,000 feet! So the mountains are near and dear to my heart. Can't wait to see more pictures ;)

  2. Colorado is amazing! I have friends who live in Denver and I think if I lived in a place that had snow, it would be Denver!


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