Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Mr. Leaf

Blake's first time in the bumbo - he did a great job! He thinks his tootsies are fascinating when he notices them - it's so cute! 

"The view is different from up here, Mom!" It was hard work for him, but a good thing too because in tummy time he just lies there & relaxes. This will be good to build up his core muscles. On a side note: I think that bald head is starting to grow some peach fuzz! :)

It was a roasting hot day today, so we spent it in the backyard in the baby pool. We were out there for 2 hours, and I was a little jealous of Dyl getting to soak her whole body in it while B & I were confined to feet only! 

"Mr. Leaf, you go down slide." 

"Ready, set, go!"

"We did it, Mr. Leaf!" (These are verbatim quotes - she played with that leaf for at least 30-40 minutes in the pool. Her imagination is so wonderful these days! I love it.) 

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