Saturday, July 20, 2013

A play date with the Demmlers

Madeline Demmler, 8 months old, what a cutie pie!

Josiah showing Dylan that's it's fun to walk through the sprinklers - she believed him, though I've never been able to convince her previously. ;) Sometimes peer pressure is a good thing, I guess!

"This is fun, Momma! Our backyard is so much cooler when we have friends over!"

Josiah loved going down the slide and splashing into the pool! 4 year olds are very brave.

Dylly liked the slide, but preferred to have a grown-up help her down it so she didn't splash into the water with too much force. Nobody likes water up their nose, right?

Holly, Madeline, & Josiah - thanks for coming over & playing with us, we had a blast!

Post-play date & post-excellent nap, Dylly decided she should wear a diaper, snow boots, and carry around a stuffed snowman. Christmas in July anyone?? 

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