Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sunday - Day 1 at the beach!

Grandmum, Kylee, Chadmo, & Dylly at the water's edge on a gorgeous Sunday morning.

Our private beach. (The silver lining to waking up at 7 am: being on the beach by 8:15 am and having it practically to ourselves!)

Aunt Melissa & Cousin Connor, hanging out in paradise. :)

The water feels a little chilly when it first touches your toes, but it feels perfect once you're in it. Dylly ran straight for the ocean when she first saw it this year, but then after the surf crashed on her toes she wasn't so sure. She loves having us hold her and wade out into the waves, or having us sit at the surf's edge and letting her sit our laps and kick the water, but she has to keep an eye on those big waves! Kylee is a champ and loves being held in the water, having help jumping waves, and splashing in the surf. Almost 4 is so grown up!

Dylly, Daddy, & Grandmum Wisconsin!

Kylee running back to our camp. She & I had fun burying "Uncle Daddy" (Chadmo) in the sand and making him into a mermaid! We will have to get pictures of that from Uncle John later. :)

My loves.

Smiley girl! She loves vacation!

She loves her Hello Kitty hat from Grandma S, and her matching swim shirt she borrowed from cousin Kylee. She looks pretty cute to me! 

The Mitchell-Marshalls at Surf City, NC! I'm so glad we're here together! Day 1 of the Lee-Marshall-Mitchell-Stevelt beach vacation has been a resounding success so far! And it's only 4 pm!

Dylly loves 'bay-bee' Connor, and Auntie Melissa for that matter. Daddy is afraid he's already been usurped by Auntie Melissa after only 1.5 days together! ;)

Sitting in a big girl chair. She's so grown up.

"Am I supposed to sit in chair and stand on the ground, or is it the other way around? I can never keep it straight..." says our adventuresome Dyl-frill.

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