Friday, April 12, 2013

A rainy, strep throat kind of morning.

Poor Dyl-frill has strep throat, again. This is the 3rd time in 2 months. Yuck! She's in relatively cheerful spirits, we caught it early this time. She's mostly just fussy & not sleeping or eating very well. We've already had our first dose of antibiotics after our doctor's appointment today, so here's hoping she starts improving quickly. She goes back on Wednesday to be retested, so fingers crossed she's negative then.

For some reason I think she looks so grown up in this picture!

Love that smile. 

Our Sweet Goose Girl. 

Silly goose!

"Bae bee."

Lady Lovely Locks. :)

" can I get Momma's hairclip into Baby's painted on hair??"

I must have highly questionable hairstyles if Dyl thinks this is how one wears a hairclip... ;)

Chatting with her baby. 

I think she looks a bit like her second cousin, Emma Roscoe, in this picture. 

Who knew you could love someone so much?

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