Friday, April 12, 2013

A rainy, strep throat kind of morning.

Poor Dyl-frill has strep throat, again. This is the 3rd time in 2 months. Yuck! She's in relatively cheerful spirits, we caught it early this time. She's mostly just fussy & not sleeping or eating very well. We've already had our first dose of antibiotics after our doctor's appointment today, so here's hoping she starts improving quickly. She goes back on Wednesday to be retested, so fingers crossed she's negative then.

For some reason I think she looks so grown up in this picture!

Love that smile. 

Our Sweet Goose Girl. 

Silly goose!

"Bae bee."

Lady Lovely Locks. :)

" can I get Momma's hairclip into Baby's painted on hair??"

I must have highly questionable hairstyles if Dyl thinks this is how one wears a hairclip... ;)

Chatting with her baby. 

I think she looks a bit like her second cousin, Emma Roscoe, in this picture. 

Who knew you could love someone so much?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Lazy Wednesday

I love this little girl so much!

"I'm coming to get you, Momma!"

Sliding off the rocking chair like a pro. She is quite the monkey: up, on, and over anything & everything! 

She still loves her dinosaur. 

I know these 2 are similar, but I love them both and I guess I can just never get too many pictures of Dyl! 

(And she's modeling her new pants that I absolutely adore. One can never have too many ruffles.)

Washing her hands of all this nonsense. 

Rock Star hair!

Looking serious & in charge, sitting on her royal throne.

Surveying her kingdom.

Queen of the toy box. :)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Dylly's 1st Trip to the Zoo!

Dylly, Mom, & I went to the Columbus Zoo & Aquarium (#1 in the nation!) this past Friday, on Mom's last day of Spring Break. We had a wonderful time and we're looking forward to making many more trips this summer - thanks for the family membership, Mom/Grandma! Dyl's favorite things were definitely the aquarium, the manatee aquarium, and the okapi (or 'dog' as Dyl called it, haha.) She liked the Gorillas at first, until one came right by the glass and scared her. After that, we went by the bonobos and they really scared her. She was okay as long as I held her, but became very upset if I tried to sit her on the rail in front of their exhibit. She was also a big fan of the tons of other 'babies' at the zoo that day - she's a sociable girl!

Checking out the gorillas with Grandma. 

Baby gorilla = adorable. Though I have to say, anytime I see captive gorillas, guilt is the number 1 emotion I feel. They are SO human. 

Observing the leopard, which was grooming itself. Dyl kept saying 'kitty!', which was most adorable. (But then I guess I think everything she does is adorable.)

We still love merry-go-rounds! 

Checking out the manatees, stingrays, and some cool fish with my Frillers.

I never paid attention to how many cool children's play areas there are at the zoo before. I was always just looking at the animals. Dyl needs to be a little bit bigger before she can go on a lot of the jungle gyms, but I'd say by next summer she'll be up for most of it. Here she is exploring one of the 'grain huts.' :)

My favorite picture from the day! It was a great day and will always be a wonderful memory for me.