Saturday, March 9, 2013

Happy 33rd Birthday, Chadmo!

Poor Chadmo had a sad, flu-ridden birthday week. He didn't feel great on Sunday night, but got up and went to work anyway on Monday. He came home early from work on Monday, with a fever and the flu. We immediately quarantined him to the 3rd floor, delivering food to the base of the stairs and Dylly waving at him from afar, where he stayed until Friday morning. Poor guy! Thursday night his fever finally didn't return in the evening, and Friday (his birthday), he felt well enough to go to work. That was good timing because it would've been extra sad to be quarantined in the attic on his birthday! He wished for a comfort food birthday dinner (roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, broccoli) and a mocha prune cake. Poppy came over to celebrate with us, but Mom was home sick with a fever and a cold. (Is it spring yet?!?) We had a nice birthday dinner, and a lovely quiet evening. (I'm paying for our couples weekend away from Dyl with a case of mastitis, so I'm feeling a bit under the weather myself.) It was just what the doctor ordered, and the best birthday present of all was getting to see Dyl give her Daddy 4,000 hugs all evening long because she was so excited to be allowed to touch him again!  It's good to have you back among the living, Chadmo! We love you bunches & bunches! I hope you wished for 'no more colds/illness for any of us' when you blew out your candles! ;) 

Uh-oh - looks like there's at least one more baby in our future! ;) This was actually round 3 of Chadmo's attempt to blow out his candles (of which there were only 24, not 33.) It was pretty funny, I think he only managed to blow out about 4 on his first attempt and Poppy's immediate response was "You can't have that many kids!" Don't worry, we will definitely not be the Duggars! 

My 2 cutie-pies. :) Dylly's thinking "Enough with the pictures, let me at that frosting!"

Dog pile-up on the couch during our evening of Guillotine & Cribbage after Dylly went to bed. Somethings never change. :) 

Birthday cribbage - the birthday boy kicked my butt at both Cribbage & Guillotine!

Tucker-momo. My apricot poodle turned quite white, I can't deny it anymore. He's a good boy, even if he's terrible. ;)

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