Monday, August 6, 2012

Dyl's first taste of ice cream!

We went to Columbus yesterday to hang out with Katy & Greg (& Dax.) While we were there, we had to eat at Northstar Cafe of course. The Jeni's ice cream next door was too much to resist, so we had to stop there too. Dyl had her first taste of ice cream while we were there (talk about setting a high standard - Jenni's White House Cherry - yum!) Needless to say, she LOVED it. (And I'm proud to add that she ate her pureed baby food like a happy little clam, immediately after her excursion into the world of ice cream. Thank you, Dyl, for making me feel enormously less guilty about allowing you such a sugary indulgence so early in life!)

"Good stuff, huh, Dylly?"

"Indeed, Mommy. In fact I think I'll take WAY bigger tastes from now on."

"Mmmm, what is this stuff?"

"What do you mean I have something on my face?"

"Oh. My. Goodness."

"Just how wide can I open my mouth, I wonder..."

"Don't be judge-y, Daddy. I see the way you eat your ice cream cone." ;)

I have to admit, it was really fun to give her her first taste of ice cream. I think she enjoyed her 4-adult-audience, oohing and aahing over what Katy proclaimed "the best moment of her life." :)

"I'll help you hold that ice cream cone, Mommy!"


"Why have they been keeping this from me for the last 10 months??"

"I may not like the cone, but I can suck the lovely ice cream flavor out of it!"

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