Tuesday, September 20, 2011

37 Weeks (& 2 days!) - Officially Full Term!!

We had our 37 week check-up on Monday and we're quite thrilled to have made it to full-term! Dylan's still a happy camper, but now the tables have turned and we are anxious for her to decide to arrive ASAP. :)

Dylan did excellent on her NST, which we are always grateful for. She is a busy girl and I think every week the NST tech, the Ultrasound tech, and the doctor all comment on how active she is - we might have a wild child on our hands! The ultrasonographer put her weight at 7 pounds 8 ounces this week, she's growing like a weed! (Too much tasty fair food for me this week, I guess!) That means she's already a pound and a half bigger than Haley was at birth, which is making me less and less confident that my second delivery will be easier than my first, though that's what most everyone claims... Hmmm.....

During the ultrasound, they also noted that my amniotic fluid is now down to 7.5 from 9 last week. We're still above that 5 mark (less than 5 and they induce right away), but getting lower again. So, during my exam, the doctor also checked to see if I might be leaking fluid. (If I was, that would also mean induction right away.) I'm not leaking fluid, and I'm still only dilated to 4 cm, so we were sent on home with the plan that we'll now go in twice a week to have my amniotic fluid levels checked and a NST performed to make sure Dylan's still happy in there. Also, I'm now supposed to do fetal kick counts twice a day, just to keep a close eye on her. So Thursday I'll be heading back up for that, and we'll just be playing it all by ear. If my fluid level ever gets below 5, if Dylan ever seems less than happy in her environment, or if I would ever be leaking fluid - they would induce right away. Any time she decides to come on her own is A-OK with them, especially now that she's officially full term. Otherwise, as long as she's happy, and my fluid stays at a safe level, they'll let us go till 39 weeks or so and then they might just induce me by breaking my water. I think at that point I'll probably be up for it, it's rather stressful being so far away from the hospital with our doctors and feeling like we'd never make it there if we actually went into true labor in Logan, and running to Columbus twice a week will get old very quickly too. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she just decides to come on her own between now and then, but otherwise hopefully we'll have a sweet Dylan-Roo in our arms within the next 2 weeks!! We can't wait to hold her and smooch those sweet feeties that keep trying to poke out of my right side! I told the doctor that I think she would already be here if she knew she was supposed to come down & out, not just straight out through my belly button! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love this--"We can't wait to hold her and smooch those sweet feeties that keep trying to poke out of my right side" So cute!

    I remember a couple of days before Sophie was born they gave me an ultrasound and said she weighed 8lbs and something! I was thinking she was going to be huge! She weighed 7lb 2oz when she was born. So maybe, it will be the same in your case! :)



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