Tuesday, August 16, 2011

32 week check-up

Chadmo & I went in for Dylan's 32 week check-up yesterday and once again got all good news! Miss Dylan now weighs 4 pounds 6 ounces, which means she's been steadily gaining half a pound a week - good girl! My amniotic fluid level was 9.something this week, so a little lower than 2 weeks ago but not significantly. (Plus I probably over did it a little bit on Friday & Saturday doing stuff around the house.) Once again Dylan did wonderfully on her non-stress test, and even during her ultrasound Dr. Copeland remarked repeatedly on how much she moves around and how active she is. So between her weight gain, great non-stress test, and lots of movements, she is thriving even in my slightly-low-though-consistent amniotic fluid level environment. Now she just has to keep it up for at least 5.5 more weeks (in my opinion!) and then she can decide to arrive any time! :)

Now for some doting parent details: our ultrasound was too much fun yesterday! Dylan was making all these adorable facial expressions - we could actually see her blinking, and one time it looked like she kissed my belly - what a sweet little girl! She had her hand curled up above her head and we could see her fluttering her fingers. She's already head down, and while she's getting more and more crammed in there, she still likes to roll from side to side. She also seems to like to stretch out, I swear sometimes she's in there like da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, pressing on as many ribs & bladders at once as she possibly can!

Miss Dylan also seems to be living up to the Stevelt-Mitchell standard of big noggins. Dr. Copeland commented twice yesterday on her big head! She's right at the 57th percentile when it comes to body & leg size, measuring at 32 weeks & 4 days, but her head is already at 34 weeks & 2 days! (Woe is me! ;)) Haley had a big noggin too of course, I don't think we could have a baby that didn't, but it sounds like Dylan's might be even larger. I just keep telling myself that big heads are good, more room for brains!

We head back in 2 weeks, and I'll also meet with my new hematologist, Dr. Cataland, for the first time that day. Hopefully after talking with him I'll be able to get my birth-plan in order. With Haley-bug I chose not to have an epidural, and after talking to Dr. Cataland I'll find out whether or not it would even be an option for me to have one if I wanted one this time around. (I'm hoping I won't, but it's good to know your options.) It finally feels like we're getting close to the big delivery day and meeting our sweet Dyl-pickle! We can't wait for late September/early October to get here and to meet our little girl!

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