Friday, May 20, 2011


Chadmo & I arrived in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on Wednesday evening at around 8:30 pm - we are so happy to be on a relaxing beach vacation! I kept forgetting to post about the fact that we cancelled our Paris trip because we weren't comfortable traveling overseas since I am pregnant (so much better than any vacation! :)), plus I was in the midst of horrible morning sickness during the time that trip was booked. So Ft. Lauderdale is our make-up trip, and I have to say that lounging on the beach seems to be just what the doctor ordered.

Here was our view when we woke up Thursday morning - I literally took this picture from where I was lying in bed! Heaven!

Chadmo relaxing under our beach umbrella on Thursday - our first beach day! Don't mind our paleness, hopefully we'll get a little tan while we're down here. :) (Though even tan for us is still incredibly pale compared to most of the beach bodies we see down here.)

Me (& Dylan) making good use of my maternity swimsuit again - I think it's my absolute favorite article of maternity clothes that I own! It makes me think of days floating on Lake Erie, Salt Fork Lake, Alum Creek, and the Ohio river when I was pregnant with Haley-Bug. Dylan doesn't seem to be as much of a water baby as Haley was - Haley loved it when I was in the bath or floating in a body of water somewhere. Dylan liked it when I was laying out and toasting myself in the warm Florida sun!

Chadmo headed for the crystal clear water - even when we were up to our shoulders we could look down and see our feet plain as day. The water temperature is perfect, we stayed in for about an hour and a half, just floating around, and only got out so we could lounge around and read our books again. 5 hours on the beach reminded me how much more relaxing it is to do nothing when you're not at home with lots of little projects nagging at the back of your mind!

Yesterday evening we headed down to Las Olas Drive for dinner and a cruise through all the cute little shops lining the street. It just happened to be an Art Walk last night from 6 pm - 10 pm too, which was extra fun. We got to go through all the art galleries that were open extra late, there were several street performers out, and of course we hit up the Gelato shop to make a certain Miss Someone happy while we were walking. ;) I discovered a new favorite artist during our gallery explorations - Loet Vanderveen - he makes bronze animal sculptures and his work is amazing, check him out if you get a chance. All in all it was a lovely day and evening!

And here's a little taste of what we have to look forward to with the rest of our week: :)
Forecast Summary - Ft. Lauderdale
HI: 92
Partly Cloudy
HI: 90
LO: 74
Partly Cloudy
HI: 89
LO: 75
Partly Cloudy
HI: 87
LO: 74
Partly Cloudy
HI: 87
LO: 74
Partly Cloudy
HI: 87
LO: 74
Partly Cloudy
HI: 87
LO: 74

Love to everyone from Florida!

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