Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sweet Baby-Roo #2

Our adorable newest addition at almost 12 weeks, after getting an A+ on her (?) Nuchal Translucency Ultrascreen this past Friday! :)

I know most of you know that we're pregnant, but I've been a bit of slacker and haven't posted our wonderful news on here until today. So at long last - WE'RE PREGNANT!! And we couldn't be happier - especially now that we've made it to the 12 week mark and have had wonderful results on the baby's ultrascreen, we feel like we can breathe a bit of a sigh of relief.

Our very nice ultrasonographer on Friday was kind enough to take a guess at the baby's gender for us on Friday. At 12 weeks they base their gender prediction off the angle of the genital tubercle in relationship to the spine. If it is parallel to the spine, it's a girl, and if it's perpendicular to the spine it's a boy. She told us that, based on this method, they are correct 80% of the time. Soooo, supposedly we are having Sweet Baby-Girl #2! Either way we're thrilled! Though I can't quite get myself convinced off of 80%, we're so ready to stop calling the baby 'it' or 'the baby' that we're going with girl pronouns for now. So I apologize in advance to our baby if it ends up being a boy and he gets referred to as a little girl for the next few months, but I'll hope he'll forgive me if that's the case. ;)

I can't wait for the day when I can feel this little one kick, and I'm even more impatient for it to be October and time for her to arrive so I can hold her in my arms and cover her in smooches. We can't wait to see all the ways she is unique from her big sister, and also all the ways she reminds us of her big sister. Haley would be 2 years and 1 month old when her little sibling is scheduled to arrive, and I like to imagine she would think having a little sibling was fun. (Though I know from several friends that it's more likely she'd be a little bit on the jealous side to start with!)

We're saying lots of prayers for a healthy, uneventful pregnancy and delivery, and most importantly a healthy, happy Baby-Roo! I'll try to be better and update this more often with fun ultrasound pictures and hopefully lots of good news!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! So happy for you guys! What a lucky little baby girl (or possibly boy;})! Patiently awaiting more pictures!:)


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