Friday, January 24, 2014

Word of the Day: Smock

Dylly was very excited to pick out little bird houses at Jo-Ann Fabrics to paint!

She was ready to dive in at the beginning...

Then she wasn't so sure about having paint on her fingers. We worked through it and had fun anyway, but I think we'll have to try brushes next time!

The finished product. :)

Bathing Beauty!

I can't believe her hair is long enough for this - it looks so grown up...

I have the cutest bath partner! ~We love our big bath tub~

Story time with Papa

A quick book with Papa before he headed off to work this morning. We love it when Papa comes to stay with us for the weekend! Grandma is in Wooster because Mimi gave us all a scare, but thankfully she is doing well and will hopefully get to come home from the hospital tomorrow! 

"Momma lumpy."

Bedtime story book reading has officially been passed on to Daddy, at Dylly's request. We always sat in the rocking chair and read books together - Dyl sitting on my lap - until last week. Then, after repeated attempts to squash my baby bump out of the way with no success, she declared "Daddy read books." Which was followed the next day by "Momma lumpy." She's got that right! So now I guess it's my turn to watch my cutie pies read books together, soon enough Baby Blake and I will probably be rocking and watching them together...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

29 Week Baby Bump!

This may be the only bump picture this pregnancy - I'm a bit of a slacker this time around. (And the 3rd trimester will probably bring too much weight gain to publish photos - ha!) ;) 

We can't wait for it to be mid to late March and to get to meet our Blake & hold him in our arms! We can't wait for Dylan to get to meet her little brother too! 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Santa Claus came to Hill Street!

In the wee hours of Christmas morning, after Santa Claus came and delivered all of Dylan's presents while she was still fast asleep. ;) (Don't mind the lights on our Christmas tree - they kept burning out on the bottom half all through December! New lights for next year!)

Dylly coming down the stairs Christmas morning, with Baby Madeline in tow as always. :)

All that stuff under the tree is a little overwhelming. I think I'll just play with the toys I got last night at Grandma & Papa's instead. 

She loves to have places & things to put other things away in - my OCD may be rubbing off on her!

Okay, time to check out these new presents. 

She was really into unwrapping this year. Last year, and even in September at her birthday, she would open one gift and then she just wanted to play with that new toy and couldn't care less about all the other gifts. This year was the opposite! I think she unwrapped all of our presents, and would rarely bother to see what was in the box - she just wanted to move onto removing the paper from the next gift!

Oh my, who's in here?!?


Discovering what's under the sheets - a new baby cradle & high chair from Aunt Melissa, Uncle John, Kylee & Connor! And Little Giggle Baby was already sleeping in the new cradle! 

Baby Madeline trying out her new highchair and being fed some Christmas Morning Breakfast Pizza (the pizza making set she got from Aunt Andrea, Uncle Adrian, Ryan, & Nate!) Baby Madeline was very lucky, Dyl was having a hard time sharing her pizza with anyone else. 

Baby Madeline trying out her new bed. For at least 10 days after Christmas, Dylan's favorite 'game' was to drag us over to the cradle and have us watch Baby Madeline sleeping. She LOVES her Baby.

Whoa! Look what was under that other sheet! A new play kitchen from Grandma WI! We had to have a lot of talks about how it was okay to touch the play stove & oven, even though it's not okay to touch Mommy's. She was convinced they were 'very, very hot!' Finally, about 2 days ago, we're allowed to play with the pots & pans, the pretend food, and the plates and bowls again. Ever since Christmas morning she's wanted everything to be put away and hung up perfectly, and we weren't allowed to play with any of it, goodness! Finally a couple of days ago we got to make soup with the pot, fry an egg with the pan, and we've been off to the races ever since. She just served dinner to Baby Madeline, Pig, Mommy, & herself before nap today. I'm glad we finally get to play with everything!

Daddy with his annual desk calendar. <3 p="">

Opening a present from Great Aunt Patty & Great Uncle John. :)

We were well and truly spoiled this Christmas, and we had a wonderful holiday season. Between Christmas Eve Eve with Mimi at my parents', Christmas Eve with my parents, Kelly, & Jesse, and then Christmas morning at our house, we had a wonderful 3-day Christmas extravaganza! Christmas just gets more and more fun every year - we hope you all had a wonderful Christmas & New Year too! Love & hugs from Ohio!