Thursday, October 31, 2013

Dylly's 1st Trick or Treat

Dylly's first trick or treating experience was a wild success - she absolutely loved it! Our trick or treat in Logan was this past Sunday, and the weather was beyond perfect. It was our first time seeing the Hill Top in trick or treat mode, and it was craziness! It looked like something from a movie scene. It was all around a wonderful day - I love my little family so much! 

Our peacock in serious contemplation about trick or treat routes. ;) 

She was so excited!

Mmm, suckers are a favorite.

Daddy demonstrating how one might wear a peacock tail. :) 

Trick or treating with the Demmlers! A pumpkin, an angry bird, and a peacock made up our crew.

Waving to the trick or treaters after she was done and we were handing out candy with Grandma & Papa at our house.

Another group shot with the Demmlers. Poor Josiah didn't feel very well, so they only went with us part way. But it was fun to have them along.

Hill Street is seriously neglected for the first hour or so of trick or treat, then they finally start to make their way over after they hit up the main streets!

Glad we finally convinced our peacock to put her tail feathers on! She loved them until the day of, of course, but she was bribed into them with promises of suckers. ;)

A mouth full of sucker, but sneaking some more treats out of our candy bowl and into her bag before we headed out. 

'Hmmm, are milk duds a good choice??'

She is so much fun! 2 year olds may have tantrums, but really they're pretty awesome in general!  

Silly girl!

This is it. We are living life and loving it. How did I get so lucky?

Our pretty peacock, anxious for trick or treat. 

Inspecting some Nerds to see if they're a good choice.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Dylly's 1st Pumpkin Carving - 10/13/13

"Dad, is Mom playing some cruel trick on me? Telling me to stick my hand in here??" 

"Ewwww... Look at this stuff!" (Sneaking in a kiss while I can - that's probably what she's actually making the 'eww' face about! ;))

"Pumpkin seeds!" (She liked it, and she helped a lot actually!)

While Mommy & Daddy carved the big pumpkins, Dyl painted two little ones. I actually think it was her first time being set loose with a plate full of paint - she loved it! 

"Stem." (The stem needed some paint too.)

She's already more artistic than her parents. :)

The finished products! This is our first time carving pumpkins in over 8 years - so we're a little rusty - but they'll do. Chad carved the tall one, I did the 2 medium ones, and of course Dyl painted the 2 little ones. 

"What's in here?"

"Pumpkin! Eye!" 

Mmmm, fall is delicious!

Walker's Pumpkin Farm - 10/12/13

I'm ashamed to admit it, but this is Dylly's first trip ever to a pumpkin patch! Somehow the last 2 years we just haven't gotten it together enough to go. But I don't think we'll be getting away with that again anytime in the next decade or two. ;) So here's to a future of pumpkins - we do love fall!

I love this picture! Dyl kept saying 'Heavy! Heavy!' But she did manage to move it a little ways, she's a determined girl.

 On the first of two trips on the hay ride. She LOVED it and would've probably stayed on here all day. In fact she's already requested to go back today, three times! It was quite the hit. (And free, so we may just have to go back.) 

 The first leg of the hay ride was fun, but when you go around the back loop of the hay ride there are COWS! Oh my, cows are so, so, so exciting. And there was a big black bull that Dyl was convinced was a 'Noni' (a rhinoceros), and brown and white spotty cows that she was convinced were horses. After we would ride past them she would just keep saying 'More cows, please. More cows, please." And on our second trip around, there were calves in the field too. It was pretty much the best thing ever. ;)

'Hey Mommy, let me see those pictures you're taking!'

'Boots off!'

'We need one of these at Grandma & Papa's - this is fun to ride in!'

Sitting with Daddy on the hay ride. Till we got to the cows, and then it was so exciting she had to stand up. :)

We have a pumpkin pie, hot out of the oven, waiting to be eaten after dinner tonight. And we have 5 pumpkins in our yard, waiting to be painted or carved. We love fall!

Potential Career Choices - 10/11/13

Bull rider? Lion Tamer? Bear Fighter? Dylly chooses Bear rider/tamer!

Our little monkey loves to climb on anything and everything! Next she was standing on the bear's head and holding onto the tree branch above her, requesting to 'climb!' I think her true career path will be rock climber or Cirque du Solei performer.

A sneak peek at Baby Brother Blake! Or 'Bean' as Dyl often calls him. :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday, Dylly!

Good morning, birthday girl! Have a couple of presents to start your day! Here she is looking at some stickers from Aunt Andrea, Uncle Adrian, and cousins Ryan & Nate - our house is now well decorated! :)

Opening a book from Mommy & Daddy - with Forrest's help of course. :) 

Opening her present from the Kansas Mitchells.

"Oooh, what's in here??"

"Green... pink... purple... yellow..."

 "This is awesome! Thank you Aunt A, Uncle A, R & N!"

Cousin Kylee, Aunt Melissa, Grandma Wisconsin, and Great Aunt Judy & Great Uncle Jim came all the way from Wisconsin & Illinois to celebrate Dylly's birthday with her! Cousin Kylee brought princess dresses to share!

These cousins had a great weekend together - Dylan was so sad when she woke up on Sunday and "Gamma & Kylee" were already gone. :/

I was a slacker and didn't take any pictures at Dyl's party until present opening time. But she really loved having all of her friends over to celebrate with her - she's a party girl for sure!

And the present opening madness begins! It's a good thing Dyl had lots of help, as after she opens one present she just wants to play with it and forgets about all the rest. :)

A good shot of the Princess Bride. 

Greta & Henry were happy to help with the present opening!

Our only family shot from Dyl's second birthday. We waited a little too late after a big day, so the birthday girl is making a bit of a grump face, but it'll have to do!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Dylan! Mommy & Daddy love you more than anything in the entire world! You're the light of our lives. Here's to what better be at least 88 more birthdays to come!