Sunday, May 19, 2013

Pig tails & Water tables

Getting her rake & shovel out of the closet, she knows where they live now and doesn't approve of them being put away. :)

Our first case of pig-tails!

Our poor little girl still loves to lead with her head, a fresh round of bruises (3 new ones) this week. :/

Love, love, love, love, love her to bits. <3 p="">

Lying on the floor and having fun watching Forrest walk on the beam across the vaulted side of the living room.

Our first time getting to put water in the water side of the new play table Dylan got from Grandma & Grandpa. She loved it!

She couldn't get close enough, and kept dunking her face in the water! 

She's so adventuresome! I don't think I willingly stuck my face under water until I was 12...

Using her little shovel to look for 'yuckies' with Mommy. Who knew doggy poop patrol could be so much fun?

"Any yuckies that need scooped up over here, Ruby?"

Fortunately I got to everything yucky before she did, so her shovel was safe to return to the sand box. 

Two-handed splashing is better than one.

"Hmm... let's see if I can't get even closer to this water..."

"Ta-da!" (She actually says ta-da now, it's too cute.) She was sitting in the water before the day was over.

"Grab a handful of sand..."

"Put it in the water..."

"Stir it with my spoon..."

"Sand soup! Yucky!"

"Quit taking my picture, Momma." ;)