Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from our little zebra, to you! She loved her costume, it was sooo cute. Hopefully I'll be able to get more of the photo shoot posted soon. For now, here she is with Grandma & Daddy! 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

A trip to Wisconsin

Chad, Dylan, & I just got back from a lovely week in Wisconsin. We stayed the first part of our trip with the hostesses with the mostestes, Nancy & Bill. A big thank you to them for having us and making us feel so incredibly at home (and well fed!) :) We finally got to meet our adorable new nephew, Connor. We went to Chad Schroeder & Abby Nelson's wedding. We spent lots of time with lots of family & friends. We stayed the last couple of nights of our trip at Chad's mom's house and soaked up some time with Grandmum Wisconsin (as Dyl 'calls' her), and Granny & Grandpa Lee. Then we broke up the long drive back to Ohio by spending the night at Matt & Mandy's new house in Wilmette, IL where Dyl developed a large crush on the adorable Will. :) All in all it was a great trip, and as always there wasn't nearly enough time to do everything we wanted to do. I guess we'll just have to go back soon. :) 

Melissa & cutie-pie Connor.

Leighton (16 months), Aubrey (19 months), & Dyl (12 months)

Ella (9), Lexi (10), Kylee (3), & Claire (9.5).

It was quite the henhouse! Brad & Will, the 2 boy cousins on this side of the Mitchell clan, couldn't make the party. So it was all these lovely ladies and 9 week old Connor! He was one lucky guy. ;)

Cousins and kiddos. :) I'll have to track down some pictures from the dinner at Patty & John's later that day and get some pictures of the Meade side up here too!

Connor, the most content baby ever. 

Dylly loving her bath in Nancy's kitchen sink. This is the night she first said the word 'duck'! 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Walking with my friendly dinosaur...

"Oh, what fun! Just listen to him roar!" (I think I'll remember that song forever.) Thank you, Aunt Jackie, for Dylan's walker dinosaur. She loves him and has walked many laps back & forth across our living room with him. :)

Dylan (1) & Cameron (almost 3) in Mimi's TV room. Cameron's not sure what to think about Dylly encroaching on his territory at Mimi's. But Dyl sure loved him, she wanted to sit right next to him and hold his hand. It was too cute. It was pretty much impossible to get a picture of the two of them in one frame, much less holding still. This was the only picture where someone wasn't moving. It'll have to do.  :)

Dyl, Chadmo, & I just got home from a lovely time at Mimi's house. Our weekend was filled with lots of quality Mimi time, Amish country shopping, visiting with our Amish friends, visiting with Tracy, Kaiden, & Cam, a horror movie for Tracy & myself, delicious Swiss Steak made by Mimi who always makes it best, outlet mall success, Pine Tree Barn, etc. It was over far too quickly. We love you bunches & bunches, Mimi. Come visit us soon!

Monday, October 8, 2012

My Lovely Girl

Playing with her toys in her bedroom...

"Hey! I hear someone taking my picture!"

"Haha, I caught you Mommy! And I see that super awesome iPod out and about and within my reach..."

"Here I come!"

"I'm so fast - that iPod is about to be mine!"


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fair Days

The Hocking County fair was a couple of weeks ago, but with the moving madness, I never got a chance to post the cute pictures from Dyl's first fair. She absolutely loved it - I think the Merry-go-round might be her favorite thing ever. We had a blast, and I can't wait to take her in the coming years as she can ride more and more rides. Hopefully someday she'll be showing animals in 4-H!

Waiting in line for her first trip on the merry-go-round. She thought it was exciting just to look at it!

"Oh my goodness!! You mean I actually get to sit on this thing?!?"

"And it MOVES!!" (It was so cute, she started holding on with two hands as soon as it started moving.)

Waving at Grandpa & Daddy. (And Grandma/photographer. :))


Dyl's second fair ride: the teacups. She thought it was really fun while we were waiting for it to start. Then the actual ride was a little faster than anticipated, even though we didn't spin the cups ourselves at all. She didn't cry or get upset, but she looked a little like "whoa!"

I think this is the coolest shot - thanks for capturing these moments for us, Mom.

Daddy's turn to take Dyl on the merry-go-round, and this time she knows what she's in for! She was so excited, she was squealing and kicking her legs while waiting in line.

"This thing is AWESOME! We should do this every night, Mommy & Daddy!"

"Look at me! I'm such a big girl, I can ride a horse."

And a 3rd and final trip on the merry-go-round for that night. We did go back one more night that week and Dyl got to go on the merry-go-round 2 more times, and on the barrels once. I think we have a future fair addict on our hands. Someone's taking after her mother... :)