Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Father's Day!! (A couple of days late)

One of Dylan-roo's adorable feet, with the heel of her other foot right behind it.

Dylan was chewing on her hand for part of the ultrasound, so this is her profile with her hand up to her mouth. You can also see one knee and her umbilical cord. She's getting too big to fit all of her into one ultrasound view!

These pictures are from our doctor's appointment at OSU on 6/14/11 where we received the best news possible: as far as they can tell prenatally, Dylan's heart is beautiful! This means she definitely does not have HLHS (which we really knew already), along with many other serious heart defects. There are a few smaller things they can't see till after the baby's born, but she looks so normal that she's not even considered high risk anymore and we don't need to go back to OSU again before she's born and she won't need an echo after she's born unless her regular pediatrician is suspicious of something! (Talk about the best Father's Day gift EVER!) Haley's cardiologist, Dr. Wheller - who we adore, was the one who evaluated Dylan's fetal echocardiogram and came to talk to us afterwards. It was really wonderful to see him actually, especially when he was giving us good news this time.

They also did a regular ultrasound while we were there, and our big girl already weighed 1 pound & 5 ounces! Her heart rate was 145 bpm, and the ultrasonographer got an excellent view of her bottom half and said she is 100% sure she's a girl! I guess I just needed someone to be brave enough to tell me '100%', because now I feel like I finally believe it. Of course all we care about is that the baby's healthy, but my OCD self likes to plan and now I can officially think pink. :) In an even more TMI note: they also did a cervical ultrasound while I was there because I have lots of contractions here and there. But everything looked perfect, so they are just braxton hicks so far and hopefully this little girl is in there to stay till late September or early October!

This past weekend was a family-fun filled one. My cousin Joe (my Dad's sister's son) was married on Saturday the 18th in Logan out at Ash Cave, and almost all of the family made it in for the occasion. Aunt Sally & my cousin Martin even made it over from Denmark! (Unfortunately the rest of the Danes couldn't make it.) The wedding was beautiful and it was great to get to see everyone and spend so much time together - it was pretty much a family reunion marathon from Thursday to Sunday! We finished up Sunday afternoon/evening with a relaxing Father's Day at home. Haley & Dylan had a mug made at Snapfish.com for Daddy's present, it had lots of pictures of Haley-bug, one of Dylan-roo's ultrasound pictures, and they even let the cats & dogs have a few picture spots too. :) I made a lasagna for father's day dinner, so Mom & Poppy came over to eat with us. Other than that we lounged about in our pajamas and recuperated from the busy weekend.

We hope you all had a lovely Father's Day weekend & that it was as happy as ours was!